It seems every day I've put off doing this because I knew it would suck. And it does. I hate making Pros and Cons lists. If you feel like you need to make one, that probably means your Cons list will more than likely disappoint you. They tell you everything you already know and just wish wasn't true or could be another way. And that's exactly what this one did.
You see, some Pros and Cons are concrete. They can't be changed. Those are great. Those are absolutes. It's easy to deal with absolutes. They can't be another way, so you learn to deal with them.
BUT, it's so many of these Cons that are totally EASY to change and with just a little work, they could totally be amazing Pros. They could be... But that's the problem. I just don't know if they ever will be. And that is NOT concrete. There's no absolute in that, and I am having a tough time dealing with them.
When things you need just aren't there... You should logically go find them. That's why these lists suck. They tell you to do something you don't want to do. Maybe my next Pros and Cons list will be the Pros and Cons of making decisions based on Pros and Cons lists.
I've tried to turn some of these Cons into Pros already, and it's just not working. So, with deadlines looming, I'm going to make another effort to take some of these Cons and try to help turn them into Pros. I really, really want to see those things added to the Pros list... It would really shine with them there.
Then the Pros would absolutely point in the direction I'm hoping to go. Wouldn't it be awesome if this whole post was about which cereals I should buy next?!?
I wish. But I too often buy what's on sale. I don't want to settle for what's on sale in this instance. I'm looking for specifics here. And I'm looking hard.
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