It's been quite an awesome few months. Well, awesome and a little scary. Back in December, I met a friend that I had found me on Myspace over a year earlier. She flew out here for work. We met, I took her to a Christmas party, and we had a great time together.
She must have had a great time, because when I finished working on the latest TV show I was doing, she flew me out to spend time with her and her family! But that's when it hit me that this might be the beginning of something serious... seriously dorky too ;-)
Now, five months after beginning to see her, and even another trip out to see her and her family, I'm praying about heading out there for a much longer stay. You see, if I move here in L.A. to a new apartment, I'll have to sign a year lease... This doesn't seem to bother her when I've brought it up. But, for me, I can't be in a relationship for another year of no guaranteed visits! I mean, I could, but it would be very tough and still not put us in a place to move forward.
So, I really want to visit her and her family for at least a few months. That way, we can date normally. We can really get to know one another and see if this can work... which is the only reason I asked her to be mine in the first place. She is absolutely astounding! Such a Child of God kind of heart and personality... adorned by gorgeousness. The romantic in me gets away from me a bit, as I'm sure she could tell you. But, anyway, it would be best for us to find out sooner than later if this is really going to work. It would be devastating to spend a year or more, on top of these past few months, working at a long distance relationship, only to find that after the year, it doesn't work out.
So, with a month or two left before I need to move out of my current place, I am feeling good about leaving L.A. for a while. God hasn't given me anything here that is at all permanent. And the L.A. lifestyle is not for me. I enjoy the beach side lifestyle, and the suburbia/college town lifestyle I had in Fort Worth, but L.A., Hollywood, and the Valley are just horrible to live in. You can find a few nice parts, but I long for a more normal lifestyle... Maybe a move can give me an opportunity to find that again.
My only concern is about my girlfriend. She has not seemed terribly excited or encouraging about me setting out to win her. She's said that she would love for me to live there and be with her, and even talked about it jokingly for many months... but now that I'm actually looking to make it happen, she seems silent. I want her to be excited, vocal, and constantly reminding me how much she's looking forward to it. I understand, though, that it's probably a huge weight on her shoulders... having me pick up a life in L.A. to move just to be with her. But right now, I'm just living in L.A. I don't feel like my work is going anywhere, and haven't found a successful group of people to write and film together consistently. Not to mention I've found love in someone not in L.A. And if my past has taught me anything, it has taught me that my priorities need to be God, then loving others (my wife/family/etc.), THEN work. I've put them backwards before, and it doesn't work well.
So yes, her silence concerns me. A move there to later find that she's lost interest would be very hard and devastating, but it would be better to know sooner than later. And she should not worry at all about me being disappointed. I'm moving to pursue her. She's worth it. And the hope of a future together is worth it. And the hope of a family is worth it.
God gave me a dream, and I thought I had to be in L.A. to make it come true... but when I finally met her, she became part of that dream. And now I realize that I can accomplish anything God puts on my heart anywhere in the world. But I know that whatever I accomplish for Him, having her as my partner will make it so much more of a success and so much more joyous. We would make a great team. Go Orange Team!
Anyway, I would be thankful for any prayers you would be willing to offer up. There are many things that need to fall into place for me to make it out there. I need a place to stay for a while, a good job to start saving, and the right timing to leave L.A. I'm really seeking God about this, so, thank you for your prayers.
Query...would this be a move to TX, MI, or some other place?
Oh, and hi! It's been a very long time since we've talked, I enjoyed reading your blog and "witnessing" your time in L.A.
You look like Neo from the Matrix, but in the best possible way.
Praying for you my friend. Love you like a brother.
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