Through my entire life, I've picked up quite a few things, and become moderately good at them. In fact, I like to think of myself as somewhat of a Renaissance Man... But, what happens when you learn a lot of things to a good point, is that you fail to become great at any one thing. And that is where I think I went wrong. I've succeeded at failing at being great at something. So, I've decided to share what I've learned in hopes that my failures will become your successes.
So, with all that said, I have created a new blog to go along with a book that I've been working on. I don't have a publisher, a definitive ending, or a super sweet cover yet or anything. But what I do have is some food for thought, some geeky, goofy humor that might fail at making you laugh... and a hope... that you'll learn from my mistakes. I know that every time I've failed, it's been encouraging hearing about someone else failing in a similar way, coming back from that point and ending up better off for the experience.
I am a sinful, redeemed, work in progress. So, I don't have any answers beyond the fact that Christ has redeemed me and I want to live like He commanded us to live. And there again, I fail. In fact, I succeed at failing quite a bit. So, if you'd like to learn a new way or two that you can fall short as a Christian or as a human being for that matter, please take a look at my new blog. Give it a little read, and please let me know what you think. Shoot, if you have any failure success stories you'd like to share with me, please send them my way at howtosucceedinfailing@gmail.com.
And visit http://howtosucceedinfailing.blogspot.com to read the much more frequently updated blog posts. I mean, I'm writing a book about the stuff, so I need to keep material coming! Or... maybe the blog will be the extent of it, and I'll succeed at failing to write a full book. It'll just be another lesson learned for me... and hopefully for you too. ;)